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DTCC Digital Assets creates a global, liquid and interconnected marketplace.

  • About

    DTCC Digital Assets’ Capital Markets Platform (CMP) brings together the critical elements of a successful digital assets marketplace. It includes automated and interoperable blockchain-based infrastructure, unique compliance aware tokenization services, advanced account management services, analytics and regulatory reporting, open APIs, and easy access through web portals and mobile apps.

  • Benefits

    • Hyper-scalable and secure cloud-based blockchain infrastructure orchestrate tokenization and transaction processing on public and private digital ledgers
    • A patented Compliance Aware Token® framework facilitates compliance with multi-jurisdictional requirements
    • Tokenization & Account Management Services incorporate compliance and transactional rules, as well as account management for the entire asset and transaction lifecycle
    • LedgerScan Web3 Analytics & Reporting scans and distills data from blockchains and other databases into actionable information to ensure transparency and support market requirements
    • Front-End web portals or mobile application user interfaces support workflows using APIs from the InfinXchange® API Micro-Services Bus

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